Monday, January 23, 2012

Thrift Find: In Stitches

Lion Needlepoint Wall Art: Goodwill Outlet (~$1)
My favorite (and largest) find of the weekend was this needlepoint lion. I love the attention to detail in the lion's face: Just look at those eyes!

The one strange thing that I'm just now noticing is that it's a lion's head in the middle of a tree. Hm. I wonder if the person who made this was following a pattern, or if they just thought it up one afternoon.

"You know what would be cool?" The quirky grandma would ask with sparkle in her eyes. "A lion/tree trunk hybrid needlepoint! With a blood red background!"

The funny thing is, I can see myself becoming that quirky, cool sort of grandma some day. The kind who will play funny, made-up songs on her guitar, and who will make or thrift neat, weird things that kids will love and other adults won't quite understand. For now, I just have her needlepoint hanging in our apartment. :)


1 comment:

  1. Neat! You find such neat stuff, and I'm with you on the grandma thing! I sometimes feel like a grandma inside :-)
