Thursday, April 21, 2011

Estate Sale Treasure: The Pull of the Gull

Vintage Seagull Pin, Estate Sale ($1.50)
As a Florida-born girl, I grew up with a bit of a love-hate relationship with seagulls. You see, they are everywhere in the Sunshine State- always looking for a bit of dropped french fry or crumbs. They aren't scared to get close to people, which in turn is a little, well, scary. But, on the other hand, their sound is part of what makes Florida home for me. So I'll always have a special place in my heart for them. And vintage pins made in their likeness...



  1. need to see Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds:) And What a fab pin!

  2. That movie is so creepy! Birds kind of freak me out a little bit- but I love the pin!!
